How I became a biker

When I was young, I used to spend a lot of time in nature with my parents, which probably explains my connection to it. The bike has always been a constant mode of transportation for me. My interests initially included board sports such as skating, snowboarding, and later surfing. It was through snowboarding that I embarked on a journey in 2002 that took me to Canada.
It was my plan to snowboard in Whistler that drove me there. Even though it wasn’t exactly the high season, I had planned to ride the park on the glacier. But as it turned out, I was told that the glacier was closed for two weeks when I arrived with my full winter sports gear. The cashier was amused while I had a long face. I asked, “well, what should I do instead?” and the cashier replied, “Over there, they have a bike rental. We have a great park here that just reopened for the new season.”
I spent 4 days at the Whistler bike park on a Kona Stinky Deluxe and that’s where my biking career began. I had no idea at the time how much of a mecca it was and still is. Once back in Switzerland, it was clear that I had found my new favorite sport for the summer.
For those of you who have discovered the sport for yourselves, you know what happened next. For me, biking started with a downhill and chairlifts, today I enjoy the whole spectrum that mountain biking provides. Unfortunately, I have never been able to visit Whistler again.
How I became Bike Guide and Instructor
In general, I enjoy working with people. Additionally, I like to inspire and motivate them. I find it fulfilling to move forward together and enjoy the same things.
It was my friends who gave me the inspiration to start the education. After thinking about it, I realized that being a guide and instructor is the perfect combination of people and sports to bring joy. I am glad that I have been able to make more out of my passion for sports.
With the education at Swiss Cycling for the guide and instructor, I was able to acquire founded knowledge about mountain biking. That’s how it happened and I was able to learn a lot. Today, I organize tours that are planned and meet safety standards. Even when coaching, I don’t just pass on the tips I learned myself, I focus much more on a systematic build-up with successes in the learning zone.